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Annual Preventive Exam Specialist

Cogent Family Healthcare

Stephen J Sims, MD

Family Medicine located in Mountain View, CA

To reduce your risk for uncontrolled disease and identify health issues in their earliest stages, the Cogent Family Healthcare team offers comprehensive annual preventive exams. At their Mountain View, California, office, Stephen Sims, MD, and the medical team focus on evaluating your overall health and ensuring your body is functioning optimally. They offer the latest diagnostic screenings to evaluate risk factors for chronic health issues, like diabetes and heart disease. To schedule your annual preventive exam, call Cogent Family Healthcare today or request an appointment online now.

Annual Preventive Exam Q & A

Why is an annual preventive exam important?

An annual preventive exam gives the Cogent Family Healthcare team the opportunity to monitor changes in your health from one year to the next. These exams also help your provider find early signs of disease or underlying health conditions, so treatment can be more effective.

Annual preventive health exams should be a part of your preventive health care plan, even when you feel great and have no existing health conditions. The Cogent Family Healthcare team takes a proactive approach to preventive care, and their overall goal is reducing your risk for chronic diseases and improving your overall quality of life.

What can I expect at an annual preventive exam?

During your annual preventive exam, your Cogent Family Healthcare provider discusses your personal and family medical history to identify potential risk factors for chronic diseases. They also perform a physical exam, noting important information about your health, such as your:

  • Weight
  • Height
  • Heart rhythm
  • Lung function
  • Blood pressure
  • Overall skin health

They also check your abdomen for signs of swelling, tenderness, or other abnormalities.

Depending on your health history, your Cogent Family Healthcare physician may request additional diagnostic screenings, such as blood work, to evaluate your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The team also offers advanced lipids testing on-site to determine your risk factors for heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.

What happens if you find health issues in an annual preventive exam?

If the Cogent Family Healthcare team finds any abnormalities during your routine exam, they may request additional diagnostic testing and create a treatment plan to ensure your acute or chronic health issues are addressed quickly.

In addition to prescribing any necessary medications, the Cogent Family Healthcare team also provides you with comprehensive resources, like nutritional counseling, to help you make long-term changes to benefit your health. Your provider works closely with you to keep any symptoms and your condition well-controlled.

You may need more frequent routine checkups as part of your treatment for a chronic condition in addition to your annual preventive exam.

If it’s been more than a year since your last physical, schedule an annual preventive exam today online or by calling Cogent Family Healthcare.